COVID -19 vaccination roll-out
We are now vaccinating all patients between 5 and less than 12 years old with Paediatrics Pfizer vaccine. (Book Appointment)
We are now vaccinating all patients 12 years and over with the Pfizer. (Book Appoinment)
Winter Covid-19 doses available for eligible Canberrans. To read more please check this link
Patients can now book their COVID immunisations online, this is the preferred way to make these appointments.
** please note: We are no longer giving COVID vaccines to people in the 1b phase that are under 50 yrs of age. Please phone 51247700 to arrange an alternate vaccination.
If you wish to get an earlier vaccination, the government is providing an online booking system. To access this, go through the Eligibility Checker https://covid-vaccine.healthdirect.gov.au/eligibility There is a booking link provided at the end if you meet the eligibility criteria. Alternatively you can ring 5124 7700 and book an appointment at the COVID-19 Surge Centre at Garran Oval.
More information:
Information about our surgery’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the Coronavirus pandemic, it is vital we protect all our patients and staff by adopting appropriate social distancing measures. For this reason, we offer Telehealth consultations.
As the A.C.T. has minimal COVID-19 cases, we are at a stage where we are pleased to advise that, where appropriate, we are able to offer face to face in surgery consultations.
COVID-19 Alert!
It is vital that you book a telehealth (phone or video) appointment rather than an in- surgery appointment if any of the following applies to you
1. If you have cold or flu symptoms (including cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fever, runny nose, joint or muscle aches, chills or nausea) or a sudden loss of taste or smell;
2. If you have travelled interstate to known COVID-19 hotspots*(see link below), or overseas, in the last 14 days;
3. If you have been in contact with a person with COVID-19 infection in the last 14 days.
Appointments can be made over the phone to our reception staff. Many appointments may now be made on-line (via this website or download the HotDoc app to your phone) or over the phone.
During your consultation, your doctor will assess whether you need COVID-19 testing.** (see below for more on COVID-19 testing)
Please call our reception if you have any questions.
Face to face in surgery consultations:
If the above criteria do not apply to you, you may elect to have a face to face in surgery consultation.
All care, hygiene and social distancing measures will be taken to ensure your safety. You will be able to wait in your car until your appointment time. If you arrive by means other than your car, you will be able to wait inside the surgery, again with appropriate social distancing measures.
If you download the HotDoc App on your phone you will be able to check in to our waiting room from your car and also check your place in the queue. When you are first in queue you may come into the waiting room and wait. This is due to limited seating enabling social distancing.
You will need to sanitise your hands on entering the waiting room.
*COVID-19 affected areas. For up to date advice on this please visit: covid19.act.gov.au/community/travel
**COVID-19 Testing: COVID-19 swab testing is now available at a number of sites in Canberra. For details on these please visit: covid19.act.gov.au/stay-safe-and-healthy/symptoms-and-getting-tested#COVID-19-Testing-Clinic-locations
For further information click here https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/protecting-yourself-and-others/getting-tested#Should-I-get-tested-for-COVID-19-
If you have further questions or concerns, you may also call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.
For the latest information and advice on Coronavirus, see: https://www.health.act.gov.au/ or click Here.