Notice for Change in Fees ( Aug 2024)
From 1st Aug 2024, Telephone consult has been changed and it is will be the same as fee for a face to face consult.
Long Consult fee has been changes to 150.
Staff Updates ( Jul 2024)
Dr Fiona will be finishing her training at the prictice at the end of July 2024.
Dr Aisha and Dr Wasif will continue their trainining at the practice till End of Jan 2025.
Staff Updates ( Feb 2024)
Dr Aisha has Joined the practice from Feb 2024 .
Dr Mirza has Joined the practice from Feb 2024 .
Dr Mirwais has completed his training term at the practice.
Flu Vaccine ( April 2023)
Flu vaccines now available for 2023
Staff Updates
Dr Fiona and Dr Mirwias will be joining the Practice from 1st week of Feb 2023
Dr Rachel will be finishing up her training at the practice on 13th Jan 2023.
Practice Opening Hours(Dec 2022)
Practice will be open from Monday – Friday ( 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM )
Staff Updates Dec 2022
After work for more than 18 hours at the practice our lead receptionist has retired in Dec 2022
Staff Updates Oct 2022
Dr Richard Rowe is back and will working from 4th Oct 2022
COVID Vaccination update-March 27, 2022
Winter Covid-19 doses available for eligible Canberrans from April
Influenza vaccines 2022
Private flu vaccines is now available, Government funded stock to be available soon. You can book for your flu vaccine now using the link below.
COVID Vaccination update-September 2021
All the patients 12 years and over are now eligible for a Pfizer shot. Please visit our website to book an appointment. If you can’t find the time the suits you, please send us a text at 0488862967 with your full name and we will get back to you.
We are running dedicated Pfizer clinics on 25th September, 26 September, 2nd October, 9th October,16th October and 30th October.
COVID Vaccination update-May 2021
We are now able to accept bookings for patients 50 years and over for COVID Astra Zenica Vaccination. By preference, please book online via Hot Docs, as you are then able to do consent forms and streamline your vaccination process.
COVID update – April 2021
Patients can now book their COVID immunisations online, this is the preferred way to make these appointments.
We are no longer giving COVID vaccines to people in the 1b phase that are under 50 yrs of age.
Please phone 51247700 to arrange an alternate vaccination.
Influenza vaccines 2021 – April 2021
This year we are holding influenza flu vaccination clinics on the first 3 Saturdays in May.
These will be drop in clinics with no appointments necessary.
These clinics will be held on:
- Saturday 1st May 9am -1:30pm
- Saturday 8th May 9am – 12pm
- Saturday 15th May 9am – 12pm
We have vaccine stock available for those who qualify for government funded vaccines.
This will include:
- People aged 65 years and over
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Pregnant women
- People with medical conditions such as severe asthma, lung or heart disease; impaired immunity; diabetes; chronic renal failure; or chronic neurological conditions that impact on respiratory function.
- We also have a supply of private flu stock.
Please note the following:
- This is not a drive-thru clinic.
- You do not need to make an appointment, it is a drop in clinic.
- As this is a drop in clinic you may need to wait for your vaccination, please be patient.
- To adhere to social distancing, patients will be asked to remain a safe distance apart
- Please wear loose-fitting clothing so your sleeve can be rolled up easily
- You cannot have an influenza vaccination within 2 weeks of your COVID-19 vaccination
The vaccination clinic format is not suitable for all patients. Please book an appointment at the practice if you:
- have a needle phobia
- have experienced a reaction to past vaccinations
- have had, or are booked in for, a COVID-19 vaccination in the 2 weeks before or after the clinics
Any enquiries or phone bookings can be directed to Reception on 6294 0990.
COVID Vaccinations- April 2021
We are now vaccinating our patients who fit into the 1B phase of the COVID vaccination program.
We are working our way our elderly and most vulnerable patients as supplies allow.
For more information please see our COVID-19 information page: https://www.gordonfamilypractice.com.au/covid-19/
COVID and Influenza Vaccinations–February 2021
Watch this space for updates on both these vaccination programs. We have not yet received any information about roll outs beyond the general information in the media.
Teen Clinic- February 2021
We are delighted to announce the commencement of Teen Clinic starting on Tuesday 23rd February. This is a free service that provides local teenagers with the opportunity to talk to one of our Nurses about a range of issues in a non-judgmental environment. It is available as a walk-in service between 2 and 5 pm each Tuesday.
Staff changes- January 2021
Dr Seren Ovington is leaving us this month. We will all miss her and wish her all the very best.
We are delighted to welcome back Dr Ingrid Kensey starting next month.
Christmas 2020
Just a reminder that we are closed from Christmas to New Year. Please contact CALMS on 1300 4 CALMS (1300 422 567) during this time. We wish you all a happy and safe Christmas.
Dr Jane Taylor is significantly changing her work and work hours – December 2020
Dr Jane Taylor Is moving away from Canberra in December 2020. In 2021 she will be returning for one week per month but will only be seeing her patients who are currently on compounded medications. She will no longer be doing general practice. If you have an appointment with Dr Taylor regarding your compounding medications, please don’t have your blood tests done any more than one week prior to your appointment.
We wish Dr Taylor all the very best in this next phase of her life.
HotDoc online Booking now available – August 2020
Online appointments and mobile waiting room check-in are now available.
We have introduced on-line booking as an option for our patients. The best way is to download the HotDoc app onto your phone. Alternatively, you may book via this website or the HotDoc website.
A major benefit of using the HotDoc app is the ability to check in to our waiting room from your car. You will be able to see where you are in the queue. Once you are 1st in the queue you may come and take a seat in our waiting room. Due to the pandemic we only have a limited number of chairs in our waiting room. Please sanitise your hands as you enter our waiting room.
Changes to billing arrangements – May 2020
As of 19th May 2020, we will be charging a private fee for Telehealth consultations. The maximum out of pocket gap payment (i.e. after Medicare rebate) will be $50.00.
Influenza vaccine 2020 – April 2020
We now have stock for those patients who are eligible for the free influenza vaccine and are doing vaccine clinics at our surgery. These are undertaken under stringent safety measures. Please ensure you have your influenza vaccine.
The eligibility criteria for free influenza vaccines in 2020 include:
- children aged six months to younger than five years
- pregnant women (during any stage of pregnancy)
- all people aged 65 years and older
- people aged six months and older with chronic medical conditions that increase the risk of influenza disease complications
- all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months and older
If you are unsure about your eligibility, please check with us.
If you are not eligible for the free influenza vaccine, please call and request a private prescription from your doctor.
Staff News – April 2020
We are delighted to welcome back Dr Mark Strelnikow who has cut short his extended leave in view of the coronavirus pandemic.
We are also delighted to welcome Polly, who has joined our team at reception.